Definitions, Animals

Amphibians: animals that first start in water; frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians Anthropoids: non-human primates; monkeys, apes and hominids

Appendages: external body parts (arms, legs, limbs, etc...) attached to something larger

Aquatic: animals that are mainly or only in water; examples such as sharks, whales, alligators, seals, etc... (see water creatures)

Arthropod: jointed legs; invertebrate having jointed appendages and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin

Bipedal: two legged (limb) posture and/or travel

Bird: feathered animal (see fowl)

Borne: feature; resemblence

Bovids {boh'-vids}: bovines; herbivores; eaters of plant material; ruminant; cud-chewers

Canines {K-9s}: various fissiped mammals with nonretractile claws and typically long muzzles

Carnivores {kahr'-nih-vors}: terrestrial (animals with four or five clawed digits on each limb) or aquatic flesh-eating mammals; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores

Chitin: a tough semitransparent horny substance; principal component of the exoskeletons of arthropods

Cock: male bird especially of domestic fowl

Coelenterates {suh-len'-tur-ayt}: one of the major groups of invertebrate animals; approximately 9,000 living species; phylum Coelenterata "hollow gut"; an alternative and more recent name for phylum is Cnidaria "nettle", both names refer to important attributes of the group; possess an internal gastrovascular cavity and the ability to sting their prey or enemies; most coelenterates, such as hydroids, the sea anemone and the various types of coral, are sedentary and marine; jellyfish, however, are modified for swimming; hydras, although sedentary, commonly inhabit fresh water

Crocodilians {krah-kuh-dil-ee-yan}: a group of reptiles that (alligator, crocodile, caiman, gavial} having long jaws, a long tail and short legs

Dinosaurs {dy-nuh'-sores}: ("Terrible lizards"); extinct reptile-like bird-mammals

Ankylosauria: (armored dinosaurs; clubbed tails); Herbivorous Ornithischians; small, weakly developed teeth; body encased in a shield of bony plates and spikes covering the back and flanks; low and broad with short, pillarlike legs

Archaeopteryx: had claws on wings; could not fly as well as birds today

Archelon: Marine; Largest turtle that lived, size of a car

Barosaurus: long-necked; Length 95ft

Baryonyx: Carnivore; large hook-like claw on each hand; 64 sharp teeth in lower jaw

Centrosaurus: armored Herbivore; similar to Triceratops

Ceratopsia: (horned dinosaurs; large head and neck shield dinosaurs); Herbivorous Ornithischians; had specialized teeth for slicing, rather than grinding, high volumes of plant food

Chasmosaurus: armored Herbivore; similar to Triceratops

Deinonychys {die-non-i-kus}: ("Terrible claw")

Dilophosaurus: Carnivore

Edmontosaurus: Hadrosaurs (Duckbilled)

Euoplocephalus {you-op-loh-seff-a-lus}: ("True plated head")

Hypsilophodon {hip-sih-loh-foe-don}: ("High-ridged tooth")

Lambeosaurus: Bony axe-shaped crest; Hadrosaurs (Duckbilled)

Maiasaura {my-ah-sore-ah}: ("Good mother lizard")

Marine: of the water; relating to animals primarily in fresh or salt water

Mamenchisaurus: had longest kneck of any known animal

Megalosaurus: ("Great lizard"); (1822) one of 1st fossil teeth and bones found near Oxford, England, by Rev. William Buckland

Mopusaurus {map-uh-sore'-us}: larger than T-rex; Head, length up to 7 feet; Length, up to 39ft (13m); Weight, up to 8tons (17,600lbs); Alberta 2006

Nothosaurus: Marine

Othnielia: Herbivore

Ouranosaurus {oo-ran-oh-sore-us}: ("Brave monitor lizard")

Rhamphorhynchus: Pterosaur; long sharp teeth and claws on wings; Flied

Ornithischian {or-nith-iss-kee-yan} ("bird hip"): pelvis usually rectangular or tetraradiate; Herbivorous

Ornithopods: (bird-foot, duck-billed and helmet-like dinosaurs); Herbivorous Ornithischians; most abundant herbivores; had highly developed specialized mouths for grinding high volumes of plant material; mostly bipedal with quadrupedal capabilities

Oviparous: egg-laying reproduction

Oviraptor: Name's meaning: "Egg stealer"

Enounciation: O-vi-rap-tor

Physical Description:
A full grown Oviraptor measured about 7 feet long, and weighed about 55-76 pounds(weight estimates vary greatly for dinosaurs).
It had long legs, was fast, and walked on two legs. The Oviraprot had an S-shaped neck, a long tail, and curved claws. It had a parrot-like beak, and a horn like crest.
Young Earth Age:
Alive sometime in the last 6000 years.
Old Earth Age:
According to old earth scientists, Oviraptor lived in the Cretaceous period, about 88-70 million years ago.
It was omnivorous (plant and meat eater).
Fossil locations:
Oviraptor fossils have been found in Mongolia.

Parasaurolophus {par-ah-sore-ol-oh-fus}: ("Parallel-sided reptile"); Hadrosaurs (Duckbilled)

Pachycephalosaurus {pack-ee-seff-ah-low-sore-us}: ("Thick-headed lizard"); Hadrosaurs (Duckbilled)

Peloneustes: Marine

Prosauropoda (Prosauropods) : smaller than Sauropoda; weigh from a few hundred kilograms up to 1,500 kg (3,300 lb); mostly quadrupedal, but many capable of bipedal posture and gait

Pteranodon: toothless Pterosaur scooped up fish; Flied

Saltasaurus {salt-a-sore-us}: ("Lizard from Salta"); Herbivore

Saurischian {sore-iss-kee-yan} ("lizard hip"): pelvis bones arranged in a triradiate or triangular pattern similar to that of modern crocodilians and lizards

Sauropoda (Sauropods) : large, barrellike body; sturdy, columnar legs; long, heavy tails; and a small head at the end of a long and stout neck; whip tails

Sauropodomorpha: huge Herbivorous Saurischians

Saurolophus: Herbivore; duckbilled; hard bony beak and flat back teeth

Stegosauria: (plated dinosaurs; spiky tails); Herbivorous Ornithischians; plates on back presumed to regulate body temperature Archosauria: reptilian subclass

Shunosaurus: meaning "Shu Lizard", is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from Middle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian) beds in Sichuan Province in China, 170 million years ago

Theropoda (Theropods) : Carnivorous Saurischians; obligatory bipeds, unable to assume a four-legged stance; larger brains than Herbivores, to plan attacks strong hind legs with birdlike feet; some, with hind limb proportions indicating high running speed; forelimbs bore sharp, curved claws for seizing and holding prey; long tails functioning as dynamic stabilizers or counterbalances; heads relatively large to huge, and the jaws of most contained numerous sharp, bladelike teeth with serrated edges, clear evidence of flesh-eating habits

Titanosaurus: long-necked; Length, 45.5ft

Tuojiangosaurus: sharp spikes on tail and bony plates covered neck, back and tail

Tsintaosaurus: Hollow horn; Hadrosaurs (Duckbilled)

Ectothermic: cold-blooded and dependent on external heat sources

Endothermic: maintaining body temperature and heat production by internal metabolic processes

Echidnas: is a type of egg-laying mammal; burrowing spine-covered monotreme of Australia and New Guinea having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites

Echinoderms {ee-kine'-oh-durms}: are a phylum of marine invertebrate animals that have an internal skeleton composed of pieces of calcium carbonate (calcite ossicles) and a special system of fluid-filled vessels (the water vascular system) that aids in locomotion, feeding and sensory reception; the phylum includes starfish, brittle stars, feather stars, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, sea lillies and sea urchins; 6,000 living species are known

Falconry: the art of training falcons and/or hawks to hunt and return

Felines: various lithe-bodied round-headed fissiped mammals; many with retractile claws

Fissiped: terrestrial carnivores; toes separated to the base; badgers, bears, cats, dogs and raccoons

Fowl: domestic cock or hen; bird, its flesh

Gastropod {gas'-troh-pahd}: members of the largest and most diverse class in the phylum Mollusca (mollusk); contains about 35,000 living species; including the snail, slug, abalone, welk, periwinkle, limpet and conch; mostly marine, gastropods also common in fresh water and are the only mollusks adapted to a terrestrial existence

Hemiptera {hem-ip'-tur-uh}: (hemi, "half," and ptera, "wings") comprises about 25,000 species of true bugs; having mouthparts adapted to piercing and sucking, and most have two pairs of wings

Hen: female of domestic fowl and others

Herbivores {hur'-buh-vors}: animals that eat mainly plant material

  • Anthophagous; eaters of flowers; some insects are anthophagous
  • Baccivorous; eaters of berries
  • Carpophagous; fruit eaters

Hominids: extinct species of man-like creatures

Homoptera {hohm-ahp'-tur-uh}: order of insects including the aphid, cicada, leafhopper, mealybug, scale insect, whitefly and psyllid; they have sucking mouthparts that arise from the extreme rear lower part of the head; Immature and most adult homopterans suck sap from green plants; when present, the pairs of wings, usually two, are uniform in texture

Hymenoptera {hy-muhn-ahp'-tuh-rah}: (hymeno, "god of marriage") third largest insect order (about 108,000 species); includes Ants, Bees and Wasps; lesser-known insects such as the Ichneumon, Flies, Sawflies and Horntails; Chalcids, with no common names at all; winged forms have two pairs of membranous wings, (fore wings and smaller hind wings) held together by tiny hooks functioning as a single unit

Insectivores {in-sek'-ti-vors}: animals and plants that feed on insects

Insects {in-sek'ts}: see Arthropod; the largest and most diverse class in the animal kingdom; number of described insect species is estimated to be 750,000; actual number of living species is perhaps 3 million; however, insects outnumber all other plant and animal groups; insects have three body divisions (1) head (2) thorax and (3) abdomen; six legs borne on the thorax as an adult; many insects possess wings as adults; their small size, ability to fly, rapid reproductive rate and external skeleton (exoskeleton) provide them with the ability to survive

Integument: an outer protective covering such as a cuticle, seed coat, rind or shell

Invertebrate: animals that lack a backbone or notochord

Keel: relating to birds; attachment on breastbone for flight muscles

Lepidoptera {lep-id-ahp'-tur-uh}: caterpillars, butterflies and moths; probably second largest insect order (about 113,000 species); undergo complete metamorphosis during their lifetimes; most adults have two pairs of wings covered with patterns, often different-colored scales; larvae (caterpillars) have chewing mouthparts and mostly feed on plants; most adults bear a coiled proboscis, which is thrust into flower nectaries when these insects are feeding

Lithe: gracefully slender; moving and bending with ease

Lizard: reptiles that can snap off their tails (wriggles) when attacked to puzzle enemies and escape, a new tail grows back in a few weeks; most are terrestrial; Marine Iguana is the only one that swims in ocean

Mammal: any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair, young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk via suckling

Mecoptera {me-kahp'-tur-uh}: "long wings"; order of insects known as scorpion flies; slender insects, mostly 18 to 25 mm (0.7 to 1.0 in) long; chewing type of mouth parts formed into a beak; head has characteristically elongated shape; found in wooded areas of dense vegetation; male genitalia in one family (Panorpidae), are large and curve upward, resembling a scorpion sting; scorpion flies do not bite or sting

Mollusks: invertebrate animals comprising the phylum Mollusca; second-largest phylum in the animal kingdom with more than 65,000 living species described; six classes, the most familiar are Pelecypoda, or bivalves, include clams, mussels, oysters and scallops; Gastropods, include slugs and snails; Cephalopoda include octopus and squid

Monotreme: the most primitive mammals comprising the only extant members of the subclass Prototheria

Neuroptera {nuh-rahp'-tuh-ruh}: neuro, "nerve"; ptera, "wings"; order of insects containing about 4,300 species; includes lacewings, antlions, alderflies and dobsonflies; these soft-bodied insects have four similar membranous wings with many-branched veins; many are predaceous in immature and adult forms and use sucking mouthparts

Nocturnal: active during the night

Notochord: flexible rod-like structure that forms the supporting axis of the body

Omnivores {ahm'-nuh-vors}: animals that eat both animal and vegetable substances

Orthoptera: grasshoppers, locusts and crickets

Passerine: relates to perching birds living near ground having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping a perch

Perch: relates to a resting spot for birds such as a branch or rod

Platypus: duck-billed platypus or duck mole; egg-laying mammal of eastern Australia

Plover: shorebird with a compact build straight beak and large pointed wings; sandpiper relative

Plumage: delicate, fine, light and silky body covering; birds colorfully unique feathers

Poultry: domestic fowls

Predaceous: predatory

Prehensile {prė'hen-syl}: said of some animals tails (monkeys); adapted for grasping by wrapping around an object

Proboscis: long flexible snout as of an elephant; also the human nose especially when it is large; projection

Prototheria: echidnas; platypus

Quadrupedal: four legged (limb) posture and/or travel

Taxonomically: classification of plants and animals into groups based on similarities of structure

Terrestrial: refer to animals with four or five clawed digits on each limb

Ratite: flightless birds with a flat breastbone lacking a keel, such as ostriches, cassowarries, emus, moas, rheas, kiwis and elephant birds

Reptiles: cold-blooded animals with a bony skeleton and scaly skin; most lay eggs which hatch on land; some give live birth; crocodilian, lizards, snakes and turtles;

Ruminants: any of various cud-chewing hoofed mammals having a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments; such as antelope, camels, cattle, chevrotains, deer, giraffes, goats, llamas, pigs and sheep

Sedentary: forced by illness to lead an inactive life; lethargic; sluggish

Segment: one of several pieces or parts that fit with others constituting a whole object

Snakes: shedding reptiles with no usable limbs and no eyelids (transparent scale protects eyes); venomous, non-venomous and constrictors; jaws dislodge to swallow large meals; most are loners

Transparent: able to see through

Turtles: aquatic reptiles with a protective shell (if damaged slowly heals); have no teeth, but their horny beaks have plenty of bite

Ungulates {uhng'-gue-luhts}:
mammals whose toes end in hooves made of hardened skin tissue, superficially
similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically four types;

  1. Artiodactyls are even-toed mammals
  2. .
  3. Perissodactyls are odd-toed mammals
  4. .
  5. Proboscideans massive herbivorous mammals having tusks and a trunk
  6. .
  7. Hyraxes are small mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hoof-like toes
  8. .

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