Development ¦ Engineering ¦ Virtualization ¦ Visualization

Web Design Prices

Prices subject to change without notice!
Prices not include domain name or host.
Analysis ¦ Consulting ¦ Project Management
Prices in US Dollars
Web Design Description Windows Linux
Common Webpage with Analytics $3000.00 $1000.00
Common Webpage with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $3,500.00 $1,500.00
Common Website with Analytics $3,750.00 $2,750.00
Common Website with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $4,500.00 $4,000.00
Moderate Webpage with Analytics $5,000.00 $4,500.00
Moderate Webpage with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $5,500.00 $5,000.00
Moderate Website with Analytics $6,250.00 $5,750.00
Moderate Website with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $7,000.00 $6,500.00
Advanced Webpage with Analytics $8,000.00 $7,500.00
Advanced Webpage with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $8,500.00 $8,000.00
Advanced Website with Analytics $9,000.00 $8,000.00
Advanced Website with Analytics and Maintenance Instructions $12,000.00 $11,500.00
Advanced Innovative Webpage with Analytics $28,000.00 $25,000.00
Advanced Innovative Webpage with Analytics, Maintenance Instructions and Tools $43,000.00 $40,000.00
Advanced Innovative Website with Analytics $55,000.00 $50,000.00
Advanced Innovative Website with Analytics, Maintenance Instructions and Tools $70,000.00 $60,000.00
Expert Webpage wih Analytics $80,000.00 $70,000.00
Expert Webpage with Analytics, Maintenance Instructions and Tools $90,000.00 $80,000.00
Expert Website wih Analytics $100,000.00 $90,000.00
Expert Website with Analytics, Maintenance Instructions and Tools $150,000.00 $130,000.00

Email for analysis, consulting, and project management pricing.
* Animations & graphics creations fees not included, amounts negotiable.
** Prices do not include images creations, or extra time beyond inclusive.
*** Prices change based upon development criteria and coding requirements.
**** Email DEVV@ALOOKZ.NET for scheduling allocations and total prices.
Discounted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year support available!